Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II pose)

Photo by Veronika Bykovich: Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)


Virabhadrasana II is one of the most iconic and commonly used yoga poses known around the world. This dynamic and powerful pose is an integral part of many yoga classes, providing a unique challenge for practitioners wishing to explore its depths. This pose has many therapeutic and physical benefits that make it ideal for a wide range of students, from beginner level practitioners to the most advanced.

Anatomy of Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana II requires a comprehensive knowledge of the human body’s anatomy. To understand how to execute the pose properly, and how to navigate the various anatomical nuances of the pose, it is important to understand the muscles and joints at play while in the pose.

The primary muscle groups utilized in Virabhadrasana II include the quadriceps femoris, the adductors, the latissimus dorsi, and the gluteal muscles. Adductors are utilized for abduction of the leg, and their activation is integral for the pose. The quadriceps femoris are responsible for extending the knee and hip flexion, allowing the leg to move into the correct alignment. The latissimus dorsi and gluteals are responsible for rotation of the trunk and stabilization of the pelvis. The legs themselves form the foundation of the pose.

The Philosophy of Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana II, like many poses in yoga, is rooted in philosophy and steeped in meaning. According to ancient Vedic texts, this pose symbolizes the power and strength of a warrior. The forward facing direction of this pose symbolizes courage and determination. The expansive arms embody the expansive nature of our minds, and encourages practitioners to stretch out and explore the edges of their practice.

The warrior stance is a reminder of the duality between strength and surrender, allowing practitioners to confront their inner fears and challenging aspects of their practice.

This pose is also a reminder of the importance of balance. In life, we are constantly challenged to balance our commitments, aspirations, and goals. This is a complex task, and Warrior II urges us to spread our energies in equal parts to each endeavor we undertake.

Transition Into Virabhadrasana II

The standing transition is the most common way of entering the pose. To begin, stand tall with your feet parallel and leg-width apart. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and point your right toes towards the top of your mat. Take a few breaths here, and then turn your left foot in 45 degrees.

Lunge into the front right leg. Your legs should be square with your hips. Your back leg will be straight. Your front thigh will be as parallel to the floor as possible.

Inhale deeply and reach your arms up. Looking up towards the ceiling can help you open your chest more easily. As you exhale, begin to sweep your arms down and reach your right finger tips front of the mat toward the right leg and reach your left finger tips to the back of your mat toward the left foot.

Your arms should create a wide โ€œT-shapeโ€ with your body. Keep your gaze fixed over the front middle finger of your right hand, and engage your abdominals deeply.

Physical, Mental and Emotional

Physically, Virabhadrasana II is known to be an effective hip opener, as well as a way to strengthen and stabilize the legs. This pose is known to improve balance, focus, and posture. It is also a great way to challenge the bodyโ€™s strength and flexibility simultaneously.

Mentally, this pose is known to increase feelings of focus, courage, and determination.

Emotionally, this pose can provide a feeling of stability, offering practitioners a place to anchor their thoughts and feelings.

In summary, Virabhadrasana II is known to provide numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits, making it a beneficial pose to incorporate into any yoga practice.


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