Starting with One Minute of Meditation Can Lead to a Longer and Sustainable Practice

Photo by cottonbro studio: Meditation

For those who are new to the practice of meditation, it may seem daunting to even consider taking the time out of their busy daily lives to practice a mindful activity. After all, it can be hard to find the time when juggling work and family, let alone focus on our own needs for relaxation. But the truth is that there is no need to feel overwhelmed and meditation practiced for as little as one minute a day can be enough to reap the benefits of relaxation and peace.

It is essential that, for one’s practice to be meaningful and beneficial, it should be approached with awareness, compassion, and dedication. While one minute of meditation can have a positive impact on our emotional and mental wellbeing, it is important to recognize that it should also be complemented by positive lifestyle changes so that one can be successful in sustaining his or her practice.

Within this guide, we will discuss how starting with one minute of meditation can open the door to a longer and more sustainable practice that can help cultivate a daily sense of wellbeing.

We will discuss how the 1 minute experiment is a great way to start your meditation journey, the importance of integrating meditation into one’s daily routine, and the importance of compassion when it comes to developing a sustainable meditation practice.

The 1 Minute Experiment

The 1 minute experiment is a great way to start a meditation practice that is manageable and achievable. Think of it as dipping one’s toe into the pool of mindful practice: it gives one an introduction without feeling overwhelmed by a longer, more detailed guided or silent meditation practice.

When beginning a meditation practice, it is important to start small. One minute is long enough to get an idea of what a mindful practice is like and gives one something manageable to focus on that can help one build a routine. It also allows one to get a feel for what mindfulness is like without the feeling of being overwhelmed and lacking time.

Furthermore, it allows one to check in with and become aware of one’s physical and mental body as this is essential for strengthening one’s awareness and relation to the present moment.

Adding On a Minute Each Week

Once one has established a pattern of meditating for one minute a day, it is essential to approach any expansion of the practice gradually. This is because the body, mind, and spirit need to adjust to a consistent practice and recognize the benefit of meditation so as not to become overwhelmed by it.

The best way to increase a practice is to take one minute at a time. If a practice is currently at one minute, the next week it can expand to two minutes and then three the week after and so on.

This method allows one to adjust to the changing practice and allows the body to become aware of the breathing and physical sensations associated with the practice, opening up opportunities to work with the body to gain greater insight and deeper relaxation.

It is also important to recognize that this gradual expansion of one’s practice can take weeks or even months.

Importance of Compassion

When embarking on the journey of meditation, it is important to keep in mind that, as with any activity, one need not be perfect in order to reap the benefits.

Taking a compassionate attitude towards one’s practice will be essential to developing a longer practice. Meditation, particularly in the early stages, can be difficult as unhelpful thoughts and feelings can arise during practice.

It should be recognized that this is normal and to be expected, and one should practice forgiveness and understanding towards oneself.

Furthermore, being compassionate towards one’s practice also means setting realistic expectations. Developing a steady and sustainable practice may take some time, and while the goal should always be to continue developing the length of one’s practice, one should not become too discouraged if their practice does not take off right away or if they miss a few days for whatever reason.


Overall, embarking on a meditation practice, even for as little as one minute, can be extremely beneficial to one’s mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. And while starting off with one minute of meditation may seem too small to reap any benefits, it is important to take advantage of the opportunity to establish a routine and develop a consistent practice.


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