Unlock the Secret Health Benefits of Pranayama: How Pranayama Can Help Asthma Suffers
Pranayama breathing techniques offer great physical and mental relief for those suffering from asthma. Although it can take time for the effects of Pranayama to truly manifest, with regular practice one can improve the efficiency of their respiratory system, increase their VO2 max capacity, and reduce their reliance on rescue medications.
Physical and Mental Wellness Through Cycling and Yoga – A Holistic Guide to Cardiovascular Health
By combining bicycling and yoga, cyclists can get the most out of their experience with improved flexibility, balance, stability, and strength without having to take additional classes or supplements.
How to Develop a Sustainable and Beneficial Home Yoga Practice
those who commit to developing a successful home yoga practice will be rewarded with a journey of self-discovery, growth, and healing.
Simple Steps to Practicing Ahimsa in Thought, Words, and Deeds
Ahimsa is a complex and important concept that incorporates many different aspects of life. From being mindful of your own thoughts, to practicing non-harm in words, and making ethical lifestyle choices, ahimsa provides an essential moral code of conduct necessary for living a morally justifiable life
Maximizing the Struggles of Self-Awareness: How Yoga Helps Us Observe the Moment Without Becoming Overwhelmed
Yoga provides an opportunity to cultivate body, mind, and spirit, and to manifest the transformation we want in our lives. Through engaging with the practice of yoga, we can connect with our inner selves and creative potential, while also learning to step back and observe our experiences in a non-judgmental manner. Through focused effort and practice, we can use yoga to bring about dramatic and meaningful changes in our lives, making it easier to step into the role of who we want to be.
The Science and Magic of using Yoga Props in Asana
When used correctly, props can become a powerful tool that helps us access a deeper understanding and connection with our practice. By being mindful of the physical, energetic, and psychological aspects at play, props can be used to seek balance, find understanding, and provide support in our practice.
How to Harness the Power of Mala in Meditation: A Holistic Guide for Experienced Yogis
The main aim of incorporating a mala into your daily practice is to bring deeper focus and a greater understanding of the self.
The Transformative Benefits of Meditation for Children – How Young Minds Benefit from Establishing a Mindful Practice
The benefits of meditation for children are truly transformative and can have a positive impact on their physical health, mental wellbeing, and overall emotional intelligence. Introducing children to the concept of mindfulness and teaching them the techniques can help them develop the emotional and cognitive skills that will serve them for their entire lives.
The Benefits of Yoga on Children’s Development: How to Optimize Brain and Body Activity
Yoga can be a beneficial tool for healthy physical, mental, and spiritual development in children. From increased focus and concentration to enhanced flexibility and strength, yoga provides an excellent foundation for children’s growth. With the right approach and a supportive environment, yoga can become an invaluable part of your child’s journey.
The Complete Guide to Understanding the Virabhadra Story and its Implications in Asana Practice
Understanding Virabhadra’s character, and how it applies to a yogic lifestyle, can provide more insight to the way we practice, and can be applied to the physical poses in a range of ways. Becoming familiar with the story of Virabhadra can help to inform a yogi of the moral and physical implications of yoga and can help them to deepen their practice.