The Breathtaking Benefits of Pranayama
Pranayama is a powerful practice that, when practiced with a disciplined and regular approach, offers remarkable levels of health and wellbeing.
The Art and Science of Asana: Understanding the Third Limb of Ashtanga Yoga
The practice of Asana can bring diverse individuals together, offering a unique and personalised experience to each individual. It’s this uniqueness and personalise experience that makes Asana a practice of transformation, a practice that we can live with and learn from.
Exploring the Power of Interconnected Breath in Yoga: How Listening Enhances Your Practice
The power of synchronous breath runs deep and it can have a profound, positive impact on your yoga practice and all aspects of your life. So take some time to appreciate the heartfelt connections that can be made through the power of the breath, and the glorious wonders they will enliven in your practice.
Examining the five Niyamas
The five Niyamas of Ashtanga Yoga form the basis of the yoga practice, helping practitioners cultivate the inner self, realize the spiritual truth and savor the bliss that comes from enlightenment.
Why Seated Yoga Postures Are Just As Important As Standing Yoga Poses
Seated postures are an important part of any yoga practice, offering unique benefits and allowing for a deep exploration of breath, focus and relaxation. By incorporating these postures into a yoga practice, one can create a more balanced and meaningful practice.
Yama – Unearthing the Profound Wisdom of the First Limb of Ashtanga Yoga
Yama—the first limb of Ashtanga yoga—is a complex yet profoundly wise concept that has been foundational to yogic practice for centuries. Yama includes five points of focus that each encourages a unique but connected perspective on how to live life more equitably and mindfully.
Spice up your Practice with Creativity from AcroYoga
AcroYoga is a fun and creative way to spice up your yoga practice. It involves elements of acrobatics and yoga, and provides numerous physical and mental benefits.
Expanding Your Practice Beyond Poses: The Benefits of Active Breathwork During Yoga
The incredible power of active breathwork during yoga practices continues to be an essential part of the spiritual practice.
Discover Self-Love and Gratitude Through Partner Yoga
Partner yoga offers a unique opportunity to explore both self-love and gratitude. By tuning into the body, communicating honestly and openly, and taking moments of stillness, practitioners can cultivate an intimate connection to themselves and to their partner.
Increasing Pulmonary Function with Yoga
Yoga can be an effective tool for optimizing pulmonary health, with numerous studies continuously proving the positive effects of a regular practice. Through the selection of specific poses, utilization of pranayama breathing techniques, and a gradual introduction of intensity, yoga practitioners can strive towards improved pulmonary functions and improved quality of life.