Attaining Optimal Health Through the Combination of Asana Practice and Cardiovascular Exercise
Combining asana practice and aerobic exercise can be an effective way to improve physical and mental wellbeing. Regular aerobic activity helps to strengthen the heart, improve breath and breathing capacity, increase flexibility, and improve overall physical and mental health.
Unlock the Secret Health Benefits of Pranayama: How Pranayama Can Help Asthma Suffers
Pranayama breathing techniques offer great physical and mental relief for those suffering from asthma. Although it can take time for the effects of Pranayama to truly manifest, with regular practice one can improve the efficiency of their respiratory system, increase their VO2 max capacity, and reduce their reliance on rescue medications.
Increasing VO2 Max with Yoga
Increasing your VO2 max with yoga is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health, boost your performance, and reduce your risk for injury and age-related health issues. By selecting poses that open the chest and engaging Ujjayi breath, you can achieve your peak aerobic potential – with regular practice, your cardiovascular system and endurance will improve.